Acrylic paint
Acrylic paint
The film is very strong and flexible, and waterproof. The raw binder is milky but becomes transparent as it dries.
The acrylic binder can be opacified with white fillers such as Meudon white or lithopone, or thickened with marble powder.
Acrylic binder dries quickly. Adding an emulsion such as egg yolk containing a fatty component can delay the paint’s complete drying.
Materials & Equipment needed
Ingredients: acrylic binder, pigment, talc and glycerine (optional)
Tools: the pigment can be ground with a spatula
Substrates: all well-degreased substrates can be used, including synthetic substrates. Rule of decreasing porosity (fat on lean) as with oils
Composition: 1 part ground pigment in 2 parts water, 1 part acrylic binder, 1 part talcum powder or Meudon white and a few drops of glycerine.
Recommendations: acrylic binders allow high concentrations of fillers and pigments.