Terms & conditions

These general conditions of sale govern the relations between the OKHRA company and any person visiting or making a purchase via the site www.okhra.com These conditions apply to the exclusion of all other conditions, in particular those applicable on site to OKHRA These general conditions of sale can be modified at any time by OKHRA. Conditions specific to certain products or services may supplement these general conditions. They are then specified during the presentation of the article.

The fact, for any customer, of ordering on the site www.okhra.com implies his prior and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

If a condition were to fail, it would be considered to be governed by the practices in force in the sales sector.


The customer places his order according to the process in force on the site. After placing your order, our services will send you an e-mail confirming your order and informing you of the dispatch of your items. The customer is required to provide all the information necessary for delivery: address, access code. .. and, for example, in the case of articles with special delivery conditions: Telephone number to which he can be reached during the day to make an appointment.

During the first order and / or when registering in “my account”, the customer must enter his name, first name, e-mail address and password. The password is strictly personal. The information recorded by the OKHRA system is considered as proof of the transactions concluded between OKHRA and its customers. OKHRA cannot be questioned and held responsible for the consequences of any events beyond its control. will, in particular cases of force majeure, which would tend to delay or prevent the placing of the order online.

Confirmation of the order to the customer

OKHRA acknowledges receipt of the order to the customer by displaying the order number by sending an e-mail. The validation date appears in the detail of the order in the “my account” section. Some orders may be subject to additional customer requests. In this case, the customer is notified by email of the supporting documents to be sent in order to obtain the final validation of his order. OKHRA reserves the right to cancel the order in the event of non-receipt of these supporting documents or of receipt of documents deemed non-compliant. The customer’s order may be canceled by OKHRA for any reason whatsoever, particularly in the event of a lack of information necessary for delivery. The customer will be kept informed by OKHRA.


Due to fluctuations in the price of raw materials, the goods are invoiced at the rate of the day without notice. The prices are indicated on our site in Euro, all taxes included, excluding participation in handling and shipping costs, except for books for which shipping and processing costs are included in the sale price. The prices indicated in another currency are only indicative. New books are sold in compliance with the regulations applicable in France on the single book price: discounts cannot exceed 5% of the price fixed by the publisher (“Lang” law n ° 81-766 of August 10, 1981) . All orders, regardless of their origin, are invoiced and payable in Euros only. Payment for purchases is made:

By credit card (Carte Bleue, Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard). The customer must indicate the number of his card, as well as its validity date and the visual cryptogram, directly in the zone provided for this purpose (entry secured by SSL encryption). The customer can also print and fill out a standard form then send it by fax to OKHRA at: (33) 04 90 05 66 69 or even communicate his credit card number by telephone at: (33) 04 90 05 66 69.

By check clearable in France made out in Euros and made payable to OKHRA. If you choose to pay by check, the order will only be processed upon receipt of your payment and the shipping and processing times for your order are correspondingly lengthened.

The amount of orders paid by credit card is cashed on the day the order is dispatched. Only the delivered products are invoiced. Our goods are understood to be sold under retention of title within the meaning of Law No. 80335 of 12 May 1980, and subsequent texts.


 The order is processed as soon as possible upon receipt of payment.
The times indicated when ordering are average times, given as an indication and may vary depending on the destination. In the event of late delivery or out of stock from OKHRA suppliers, OKHRA cannot be held liable.
Our shipments are made as quickly as possible:

By La Poste: “Colissimo follow-up” for mainland France and the EEC, Priority or Economy postal parcel for other destinations.

By Carrier (Metropolitan France, Europe and Switzerland) – by your Carrier (Non-EEC Countries)

To these costs may be added the additional cost for special packaging for transport by air or sea. OKHRA cannot be held responsible for any delays in delivery.
Any shipment outside of France and the European Union is invoiced excluding tax. Customs duties or other local taxes (local VAT, customs tax, import duties, etc.) may be payable. These rights are the sole responsibility of the customer and are his sole responsibility both in terms of declarations and payment to the competent authorities.
Regarding deliveries outside mainland France, the products ordered are imported into the country of destination by and under the responsibility of the customer. It is their responsibility to obtain the necessary information from the local authorities concerned and to scrupulously comply with the formalities specific to the importation of these products into the territory of the country of destination.

Customs duty

Any order placed on the Site and delivered outside of France may be subject to possible taxes and customs duties which are imposed when the package reaches its destination. These customs duties and any taxes related to the delivery of an item are your responsibility and are your responsibility. We are not required to verify and inform you of applicable customs duties and taxes. To find out about them, we advise you to check with the competent authorities in your country.

Participation in shipping cost

Shipping costs include participation in the costs of processing the order as well as participation in delivery costs. Any order gives rise to invoicing of a contribution to the shipping costs. Its amount is determined by the total weight of the order. Deliveries outside mainland France or of specific products may be subject to special conditions of which the customer will be informed; either directly on the site when ordering, or before the shipment of the package. The amount of the shipping costs is indicated in the order summary.
The participation in the processing costs is fixed; it covers the costs of preparing the order and its specific packaging which guarantees good delivery to the customer. The amounts of contributions to the costs of delivery and processing are shown in the order summary and on the invoice. The customer acknowledges being fully informed of the contributions to the shipping costs (processing and delivery) which are added to the price of the goods ordered.

Protection of personal data

We are committed to protecting your personal data. All the personal data concerning you that we have collected are treated with the strictest confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of our personal data protection policy.


The photographs and texts reproduced on the site and illustrating the products do not enter into the contractual field. Consequently, OKHRA cannot be held responsible in the event of an error in one of these photographs or one of these texts. Our products are sold by weight or by volume in accordance with the legislation. Our goods are always sold from our stores, packaged and wrapped. No packaging is returned or taken back. The goods travel at the risk and peril of the recipient even in the case of carriage paid. No return of products will be accepted without the prior formal agreement of the seller. Complaints must be made within a maximum of 8 days after receipt of the goods. Returns postage due will be systematically refused. All disputes, whatever the causes, will always be within the jurisdiction of the Court of Avignon. Drafts, checks or other methods of payment do not constitute a novation or derogation from the above clauses, which are expressly attributable to jurisdiction.

For all questions relating to an order, a cancellation or an exchange, contact our customer service at (33) 04 90 05 66 69.

Publisher Coopérative OKHRA Conservatory of Ocher and Applied Pigments Factory MathieuD 104F-84220 ROUSSILLON-PROVENCE (FRANCE) Telephone / Fax: 0033 – (0) 4 90 05 66 69 Status: SCIC Cooperative Company of Collective Interest N ° Siren: 404 489 965N ° Siret: 404 489 965 00024 N ° APE (main activity exercised) / NAF code: 9103Z N ° Intracommunity / N ° TVA: FR04404489965 N ° Training body: 93 84 02 025 84

Support: The creation of this site was made possible thanks to the support of the State-DATAR-DRAC, under the project of the Cultural Territorial Portal of Color. The Conservatory receives support from the State, the PACA Regional Council and the General Council of Vaucluse for the development of its documentary resources and their transfer to New Information and Communication Technologies.

Trademarks: The brands ôkhra®, Usine Mathieu®, practices pigmentaires®, Spring School®, Jardin des dyers®, Peaux de peinture®, and all the trademarks mentioned in this service are registered trademarks by ôkhra.

Terms of services

The use of this service is reserved for strictly personal use. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, for other purposes on any medium is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. The information contained in this service is non-contractual and subject to modification without notice. OKHRA is not responsible for the content of websites to which hypertext links may refer from its own site.

Information technology and freedom Right of access to the computerized file

Any user who has deposited directly or indirectly nominative information in the service may request the communication of nominative information concerning him to the administrator of the service and have them corrected if necessary, In accordance with French law No 78-17 (art. 27) , of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms. This right of access is carried out by sending a request to info@okhra.com. Our site is the sole recipient of the information that you communicate to it, your personal data are in no way made available to a third party.

Deliveries and Returns

Packages are shipped after receipt of your payment. The shipping method is Colissimo followed, delivered without signature, or a carrier, depending on the nature and weight of your order. If you want a delivery with signature, an additional cost applies, please contact us. Regardless of the shipping method chosen, we will provide you with a link as soon as possible that will allow you to track the delivery of your package online.

Shipping costs include packaging, handling and postage. They can contain a fixed part and a variable part depending on the price or the weight of your order. We advise you to group your purchases into a single order. We cannot group two separate orders and you will have to pay the shipping costs for each of them. Your package is shipped at your own risk, special care is taken to the package containing fragile products.

Packages are oversized and protected.